When we came to Ireland end of July the irish people told us that the summer has been extremely rainiy - even for their expereince.
But we were rather lucky: on our road trip the days with lots of rain were those when we were driving over long distances. Of course there was no day withour a single raindrop but mostly it was for a short time, at the Cliffs of Moher even only for some minutes. Having had a look at the weather forecast for our home region at least we could not complain as there July/August was also cool and wet.
Equipment: Leica M10-R with Summicron-M 28mm ASPH and Summilux-M 50mm ASPH
Ireland has an amazing landscape. We realised that this is really a green island. During our whole journey we didn't see dry grass or trees as it is ususal by this time in the center of Eurpoe.
Personal encounters were warm, open and heartly and it was a very positie experience.
Yalvac and surroundings
The bridge -
Roadmen -
Live Concert -
London in 40 hours -
Røros Copperworks