
Roadmen (11/2021)

I have always been attracted by observing people at work. When you take an intense look at professional activities you can state that in every work process you find a high degree of skills, technique and often physical efforts. Being a good craftsman in many disciplines myself I have a high appreciation for a well done work. In autumn 2021 I had the chance to attend a team of roadmen who were tarmacking the access road to my neighbour’s site.

During the days of preparing the road for the final step of bituminisation we got in touch and so, on the day when they made the asphalt, I got the chance to fix some moments of their working day in my pictures.

I realised that tarmacking is a work that requires a good choreography of the entire squad. The main surfaces are made with the road finisher but all the finitions on the edges, junctions and areas that are too steep are prepared mainly manually before the roller compactor can pass. I invite you to have a closer look at this work that we often only see in the angle of an eye when passing a road construction zone.

Location: St-Gingolph (Switzerland) - Equipment: Leica M9 + Zeiss 1:2.0/35

The black tar is preset everywhere and in the cold autumn weather a comfy warmth rises up from the ground which is for sure less comfortable when in the summer heat of August.

  • Picture 1, 5, 7: Where the area is too narrow for the road finisher or edges are not straight enough, the asphalt has to be levelled manually.
  • Picture 2 & 3: Ricardo levelling the dumped tar.
  • Picture 4: Joaquìn stripping off the sticky tar from his shovel, a recurring task as the bitumen sticks to all kind of tools.
  • Picture 6: Joaquín and Natalino posting in front of the road finisher.
  • Picture 8: Heat is the thriving force of the entire work process, so Ricardo heats up the tar that has cooled down too much.
  • Picture 9: Natalino is pushing the barrow uphill.
  • Picture 10, 11: Paolo, the man for the surface finish.
  • Picture 12: Fabio in front of his skid loader.


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