
Røros Copperworks (10/2019)

In October 2019 I finally had the occasion to make a short Norway trip together with my brother.

Until 2007 I travelled a lot to Scandinavia, mostly alone by car or motorbike and pitchingh my tent somewhere in the wilderness. When my brother and me were young adults we have made several motorbike trips together with my dad to the very north of Europe. Later priorities in life changed and we did not get back to this beautiful region of our continent until end 2019 (and lucky wise we did, just before Covid cut down any possibilities of planned travelling).

A place that I have visited near every time I was in Norway is Røros, a small town one day trip north of Oslo with a third millenium of mining history (if I remember well exactly 333 years). The region is part of the Unesco wold heritage and the old mining facilities often are still well visible while man made installations are mostly left to its natural decay.

It was the first time that I have been at those places at the very end of autumn and with a digital camera. Here you can find some impressions.

  Location: Røros (Norway) - Equipment: Leica M9 + 1:1.4/35 (I), 1:1.4/50 (II), 1:2.8/90 (II)



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