
The Bridge (11/2021)

For more than ten years I have passed each week at least two times below this impressing viaduct. And so often I thought it would be a nice scenery some pictures.

In November 2021 - finally - on a snowy day I had the right equipment inside my photo bag and the time. It was by the end fo the day, light was nearly fading and I found this particular light condition that made the results some kind of surreal, straight coming from a frosty Movie (I was thinking of Snowpiercer). After taking several pictures from below the bridge I walked up a service road leading nearly to the top of the viaduct and could take one night picture before going home.

The last picture was on the next morning. The weather was better but the result was less spectacular in my eyes.

Location: Nantua (France)

Equipment: Leica M10 + 1:1.4/50 (IV), 1:2.8/24 ASPH


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